Run below command to check if development environment is working as expected, run:
invoke -l
Running this command should print output like below:
Available tasks:
admin.main (admin) call administrator app main
build.administrator build administrator
build.all (build) build all
build.cluster-manager build cluster manager build data-model
build.dcv-connection-gateway build dcv connection gateway
build.scheduler build scheduler
build.sdk build sdk
build.virtual-desktop-controller build virtual desktop controller
clean.administrator clean administrator
clean.all (clean) clean all components
clean.cluster-manager clean cluster manager clean data-model
clean.dcv-connection-gateway clean dcv connection gateway
clean.scheduler clean scheduler
clean.sdk clean sdk
clean.virtual-desktop-controller clean virtual desktop controller wrapper utility for invoke clean.<module> build.<module> package.<module>
devtool.configure configure devtool
devtool.ssh ssh into the workstation
devtool.sync rsync local sources with remote development server
devtool.upload-packages upload packages build administrator docker image
docker.prepare-artifacts copy administrator docker image artifacts to deployment dir
docker.print-commands print docker push commands for ECR
package.administrator package administrator
package.all (package) package all components
package.cluster-manager package cluster manager
package.dcv-connection-gateway package dcv connection gateway
package.scheduler package scheduler
package.virtual-desktop-controller package virtual desktop controller
req.install Install python requirements
req.update Update python requirements using pip-compile.
scheduler.cli (scheduler) call scheduler cli Run Integration Tests Run Unit Tests
web-portal.serve serve web-portal frontend app in web-browser
web-portal.typings convert idea python models to typescript
Clean, Build and Package
invoke clean build package
Run in Developer Mode
The IDEA_DEV_MODE environment variable is used to indicate if should use the Docker Image or Run from sources.
If IDEA_DEV_MODE=true, will execute administrator app directly using sources.
If IDEA_DEV_MODE=false (default), will attempt to download the docker image for the latest release version and execute administrator app using Docker Container.
Export IDEA_DEV_MODE=true on your terminal, before executing on from project root.
# Enable Dev Modeexport IDEA_DEV_MODE=true
You will need to run export IDEA_DEV_MODE=true, each time you open a new Terminal session.
Verify if Developer Mode is enabled
To verify, if Developer Mode is enabled, run below command. This should print (Developer Mode) at the end of the banner.
| ./ about'####:'########::'########::::'###::::. ##:: ##.... ##: ##.....::::'## ##:::: ##:: ##:::: ##: ######:::'##:::. ##:: ##:: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: #########:'####: ########:: ########: ##:::: ##:Integrated Digital Engineering on AWSVersion 3.0.0-beta.1(Developer Mode)