Stop/Delete/Hibernate a virtual desktop

Manage your virtual desktop lifecycle easily via Virtual Desktop State section.

To access the Virtual Desktop lifecycle section, click "Actions" button associated to the virtual desktop:


Click "Action" > "Virtual Desktop State" > "Stop" to stop your current virtual desktop session. Stopped session will not suffer any data loss and you can restart a stopped session at any moment.


Click "Action" > "Virtual Desktop State" > "Terminate" to permanently terminate a virtual desktop session.

Terminating a session may cause data loss if you are using ephemeral storage, so make sure to have uploaded all your data back to IDEA filesystem first.


When you hibernate an instance, your desktop state is saved in memory. When you restart it, all your applications will automatically resume. On the other hand, stopping a virtual desktop is the same as powering off your laptop. Please not all EC2 instances support hibernation, verify if your instance supports it by checking

Click "Action" > "Virtual Desktop State" > "Hibernate" to hibernate your current virtual desktop session. Hibernated session will not suffer any data loss and you can restart the session at any moment.

Last updated