IDEA CLI utility utility is designed to simplify your interaction with your IDEA environment. With this simple tool, you can install a new environment, delete an existing cluster, update the configuration of a live environment or even retrieve the connection endpoints of your deployment via simple 1-liner commands. See some examples below:

  about                    print IDEA release version info
  bootstrap                bootstrap cluster
  build-bootstrap-package  build bootstrap package for a module
  cdk                      cdk app
  check-cluster-status     check status for all applicable cluster endpoints
  config                   configuration management options
  delete-cluster           delete cluster
  deploy                   deploy modules
  directoryservice         directory service utilities
  list-modules             list all modules for a cluster
  patch                    patch application module with the current release
  quick-setup              Install a new cluster
  quick-setup-help         display quick-setup help
  run-integration-tests    run integration tests for a module
  shared-storage           shared-storage options
  show-connection-info     print cluster connection information
  sso                      single sign-on configuration options
  support                  support options
  upload-packages          upload applicable packages for a module
  utils                    cluster configuration utilities

Always use -h at the end of your command to list all available options

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