Uninstall IDEA

Make sure to have removed all backups from AWS Backup (if applicable). Read more at Backup IDEA environment

To uninstall IDEA, run idea-admin.sh delete-cluster command with the following arguments:

ArgumentDescriptionRequired ?


Name of your IDEA cluster (e.g: idea-test)


Region where your IDEA cluster is installed


Delete the S3 bucket created by CDK


Delete DynamoDB tables associated to your cluster


Delete backups from AWS Backups


Skip confirmation prompts

The uninstall command will also remove running instances such as virtual desktops if applicable.

Example: Clean-Uninstall

Deleting Analytics stack (if using OpenSearch) will take at least 20 minutes

--delete-backups will also delete any backups stored on AWS Backups.

# add --delete-backups if you also want to delete backups
./idea-admin.sh delete-cluster \ 
  --delete-databases \
  --delete-bootstrap \
  --force \
  --aws-region us-east-2 \
  --cluster-name idea-beta
| Name                               | Instance Id         | Private IP   | Instance Type | Status  |
| idea-beta-MyDesktop1-clusteradmin | i-030287972c8dec008 |  | t3.xlarge     | running |
| idea-beta-MyDesktop4-clusteradmin | i-04f7e691249459fed | | t3.xlarge     | running |
2 ec2 instances will be terminated.
searching for cloud formation stacks to be terminated ...
| Stack Name                   | Status          | Termination Protection |
| idea-beta-metrics           | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-vdc               | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-identity-provider | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-bastion-host      | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-cluster-manager   | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-directoryservice  | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-scheduler         | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-analytics         | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-shared-storage    | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
| idea-beta-cluster           | CREATE_COMPLETE | True                   |
10 stacks will be terminated.
executing app-module-clean-up commands for app: cluster-manager
executing app-module-clean-up commands for app: vdc
executing app-module-clean-up commands for app: scheduler
| Name                        | Instance Id         | Private IP   | Instance Type | Status  |
| idea-beta-directoryservice | i-072478e020c011b7b | | m5.large      | running |
| idea-beta-scheduler        | i-0443a832c4696c5c5 |   | m5.large      | running |
| idea-beta-bastion-host     | i-0049d21d8ccfd36c1 |    | m5.large      | running |
found 3 ec2 instances with termination protection enabled.
disabling termination protection for ec2 instance: i-072478e020c011b7b ...
termination protection disabled for ec2 instance: i-072478e020c011b7b
disabling termination protection for ec2 instance: i-0443a832c4696c5c5 ...
termination protection disabled for ec2 instance: i-0443a832c4696c5c5
disabling termination protection for ec2 instance: i-0049d21d8ccfd36c1 ...
termination protection disabled for ec2 instance: i-0049d21d8ccfd36c1
terminating ec2 instance: i-030287972c8dec008
terminated ec2 instance: i-030287972c8dec008
terminating ec2 instance: i-04f7e691249459fed
terminated ec2 instance: i-04f7e691249459fed
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-metrics
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-metrics
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-vdc
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-vdc
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-identity-provider
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-identity-provider
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-bastion-host
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-bastion-host
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-cluster-manager
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-cluster-manager
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-directoryservice
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-directoryservice
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-scheduler
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-scheduler
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-analytics
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-analytics
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-shared-storage
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-shared-storage
stack: idea-beta-metrics, status: DELETE_COMPLETE
stack: idea-beta-vdc, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-identity-provider, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-bastion-host, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-cluster-manager, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-directoryservice, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-scheduler, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-analytics, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-shared-storage, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
waiting for 8 stacks to be deleted: ['idea-beta-vdc', 'idea-beta-identity-provider', 'idea-beta-bastion-host', 'idea-beta-cluster-manager', 'idea-beta-directoryservice', 'idea-beta-scheduler', 'idea-beta-analytics', 'idea-beta-shared-storage'] ...
stack: idea-beta-vdc, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-identity-provider, status: DELETE_COMPLETE
stack: idea-beta-bastion-host, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-cluster-manager, status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
stack: idea-beta-cluster, status: DELETE_COMPLETE
disabling termination protection for stack: idea-beta-bootstrap
terminating cloud formation stack: idea-beta-bootstrap
found cluster s3 bucket: idea-beta-cluster-us-east-2-549172027899
deleting s3 bucket: idea-beta-cluster-us-east-2-549172027899 for cluster ...
bucket idea-beta-cluster-us-east-2-549172027899 deleted successfully
| Table Name                                                               |
| idea-beta.accounts.group-members                                        |
| idea-beta.accounts.groups                                               |
| idea-beta.accounts.sequence-config                                      |
| idea-beta.accounts.sso-state                                            |
| idea-beta.accounts.users                                                |
| idea-beta.cluster-manager.distributed-lock                              |
| idea-beta.cluster-settings                                              |
| idea-beta.email-templates                                               |
| idea-beta.modules                                                       |
| idea-beta.projects                                                      |
| idea-beta.projects.project-groups                                       |
| idea-beta.projects.user-projects                                        |
| idea-beta.scheduler.applications                                        |
| idea-beta.scheduler.license-resources                                   |
| idea-beta.scheduler.queue-profiles                                      |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.permission-profiles                            |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.schedules                                      |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.servers                                        |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.session-permissions                            |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.software-stacks                                |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.ssm-commands                                   |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.user-sessions                                  |
| idea-beta.vdc.controller.user-sessions-counter                          |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.AgentKeyPair                                   |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.AgentOAuth2Clients                             |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.AuthServerPubKeys                              |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.BrokerAuthServerPrivateKey                     |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.ConnectSessionKeyPair                          |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.DescribeNextTokenKeyPair                       |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.HealthTest                                     |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.JwksUrls                                       |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.PortalOAuth2Clients                            |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.ServerDnsMapping                               |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.SoftwareStatement                              |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.UpdateSessionPermissionsSessionCustomerRequest |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.createSessionCustomerRequest                   |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.dcvServer                                      |
| idea-beta.vdc.dcv-broker.deleteSessionCustomerRequest                   |
| idea-beta.vdc.distributed-lock                                          |
39 tables will be deleted.
deleting table: idea-beta.accounts.group-members ...
deleted dynamodb table: idea-beta.accounts.group-members
deleting table: idea-beta.accounts.groups ...
deleted dynamodb table: idea-beta.accounts.groups
deleting table: idea-beta.accounts.sequence-config ...
deleted dynamodb table: idea-beta.accounts.sequence-config
deleting table: idea-beta.accounts.sso-state ...

Last updated