Control my jobs

Once your job is submitted ( Submit a job), you can access the job information via the left sidebar, either under "Active Jobs" or "Completed Jobs" (depending whether your job is running or not).

Active Jobs

Active jobs will list all the jobs currently active in the job queue. Select one job ID to get further details about it such as the execution hosts, scheduler metadata ...

As a regular user, you can only see your jobs. As an admin, you can view everyone's else jobs (click "Active Jobs" under the Admin section)

You can terminate your running job(s) or get information about finished job(s) via the "Jobs" section available on the left sidebar.

To delete a job, select the job then click "Actions" > "Delete Job"

To get detailed information about a job, select the job id and refer to the Details section

Completed Jobs

Access "Completed Jobs" section on the left sidebar to get a historical of all the jobs.

As a regular user, you can only see your jobs. As an admin, you can view everyone's else jobs (click "Completed Jobs" under the Admin section)

Similarly to Active Jobs, you can expand the details section to review your job information (start/end time, execution host(s) etc ...)

Last updated